Saturday, August 19, 2006

To the Tormented Prisoner

You are alone in your cell with only your desires and fantasies whispering to you to hold back the almost painful waves of solitude. The bonds seem to wrap around your body with no beginning or end. Your mind is in an endless chess game against invisible opponents for plans of your escape. Your face is contorted into a mask of long endured pain that over the years has become a comforting habit. You have been trapped so long that pain and survival have been the only things you could count on. Yet with all this your focus needs shifting. The cell that you have been in is rusted and falling apart, the lock nothing more a rusted block of sand, and the chains while endless are wrapped so loosely around you that if you were to just relax would slip to the floor hissing its disdain. Your warden was never on duty and never really existed. The long years imprisoned have changed you. Solitude helps us to quiet the outside and listen to ourselves but beware of its seductive embrace.

Friday, May 12, 2006

A lucid moment in the mental tempest

I often write about the rambling thoughts of the madman within, with little concern for political topics, social trends, or the mundane facts of life. My rants on humanity may have left the reader with the distinct impression that I am anitsocial in the traditional sense. While I harbor an intense dislike for the collective human experience, I have always been extremely passionate about the individual. (The acts of the individual are what cause us to break free from the herd mentality that we all simultaneously recognize, demonize, and ultimately feel comfortable in.) I hope with the next few entries to give specific examples of the individuals who have my admiration.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Meglomaniacal Interlude

When I have reached the pinnacle of the American political arena. There will be a few changes worth mentioning. First the Federal Government structure will be disbanded in favor of a more direct community-controled enviornment ,local custom will become the law, and I will set myself as a dictator. All religion and media will incorporate my personal dogma into their routines. All travel between communities will be strictly monitored and policed, so as to isolate these places and persons into evolving free of interference. The scientific community will be at my whim to create whatever my twisted mind can concieve and put it to whatever use I dictate. The entire country will be entered into a lottery at the age of 25. When chosen they will be transported to a 25 square mile compound/maze where I will hunt them ( non-lethal) atop my fiery red dragon ( care of my genetic research imperative). If they manage to impress me then they will be transported to a paradise of their own to live out their days with loved ones with no interference from the outside world. If they disappoint me they will be incorporated into my service as slaves, with all rights permenantly suspended. If they manage to win they will sit upon a council to help me shape this world as equals. Mankind requires true oppression and adversity to flourish. I would indeed sacrifice my personality to become this savior. ( how nice am I right?)There would be no freedom that was not earned by the individual. There would be no blanket of freedom carelessly tossed about the multitude, given to worthy and unworthy alike. So if you fancy this anti utopia then vote for me and we can finally make a true difference.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Key # 4 Fear: The downside of rational thought

" ....and objects of great pith and movement are sicklied over with the pale cast of thought and lose the name of action." The Great Bard in one phrase identified the singular cause of fear. The general consensus is that fear basically comes from ignorance or lack of understanding,but this fails to hold up when you realize that you dont know the gross national product India and it still does not give you any anxiety. Fear in general ( and even in some cases of other psychological disorders) stems from thinking of a situation before it has actually occured. There are two types of fear: fear of death, and fear of emotional/physical pain. Somewhere down the road of psychological developement we learn about the concept of cause and effect. This lesson teaches us the foundation of fear, and upon that foundation we use hypersensitivity to make us acutely aware of the things in our life that we should be afraid of, then follows the perpetuator of fear..........rational thought. Take the simplistic fears of a child for example. He fears the dark, his mind races to make assumptions as to what danger lies waiting in the darkness, he is specifically aware of his vulnerability of the situation so his rational thought stops there and begins to loop and reinforce itself. As he lies awake pondering his situation, he starts to come up with thousands of possibilities to fear while he lies awake in the dark. We see the details of the problem and it would seem to have a complicated solution. When we take away the particulars of this problem and deal only with that it becomes simplistic in its answer yet herculean in its actualization. The problem boils down to fear of death or fear of pain (emotional or physical). Ironic isn't it that the two eventualities that we obsess over with plans of prevention are the ones that no one can ultimately avoid. To borrow and alter a phrase of Francis Bacon's " A little reasoning inlineth a man to fear..a lot of reasoning inclineth a man to fearlessness."

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Key # 3 Perfecting the Archetype

This next step is merely a continuation of the previous one. It involves a the process of personality polarization. When a human developes a personality, and that personality endures past a certain stage polarization becomes apparent.As an example: One who loves art and culture puts so much appreciation into these traits that the opposite traits( ignorance and crudeness) cause the opposite response; revulsion. This polarization process is by no means restricted toward the mental but can even extend into the realm of physical strengths and weaknesses.Mortals are slaves to these psychological rules of self realization, but you and I are aspiring gods we can acknowledge the strengths of these structures and manipulate them to our will. If you want power why not focus the whole of your attention in one direction, if you are going to have weakness why not consolidate them into a single fear. This is the basis for the divine equation. The true essense of personification.Modern day psychology boils down to a science of the mediocre. You no longer have to dance to the tune of the Freudian dynamic, no longer have to cater to the whims of the Jungian potentates, and as for Pavlov.... well thats enlightening if you happen to be a slobbering mongrel. This journey , in the end, may very well destroy who you are, and then you would have lost what? An ego that was molded by your parents, reinforced by society and calcified by years of repitition. Ask yourself who are you.....truely........ and how far are you from what you want to be?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Key #2 The Process of Personification

Once you have discovered the need that you serve, then becomes the arduous task of personifing said trait. This step becomes alot like Method Acting. Keeping this need in mind, try to flesh it out. Give it life.Channel it. You must personify your need. Now this involves destroying personality traits that have been reinforced over the years and also creating some that never existed, but no one said being a diety was easy. Your movements, your thought processes,the way you speak,and even the way you dress must change to amplify this trait. Remember you are not acting out this trait you are BECOMING this trait. This will no doubt be frightening at first ( if done correctly) but it will ease with time. It is the first step of destroying self, but the second step of the long process of attaining the status only known by the divine.

The Keys to Becoming a Demigod

Key #1 Realization of the Nature of Oneself

Observing your own actions, acknowledge your basic psychological need ( singular). In every action or inaction we are trying to realize a single concept in our lives. This concept is what drives us beyond Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This need is what we use to shape the idea we have of ourselves. Some of us are active in trying to realize our nature by seeking out ways to facilitate our need others seek out those who help us realize our needs. You must also fight against the temptation of making it a more socially palatable need. If it is greed that drives you then do not change it to security to make yourself seem noble. It will take some time alone and inner contemplation to accomplish this.This is the first step towards mortal divinity